Help us Build the new dorms! image

Help us Build the new dorms!

Start a fundraiser to benefit St. Aloysius Gonzaga Students today


$8,875 towards $10,000

88 12 U


Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donors

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Thank you for always coming through for the school. Your support will give our students a safe, supportive place to live and learn that will greatly improve their chances of academic success. Achieving academically creates access for students to tertiary studies, earning a career, and moving themselves and their families out of poverty.
Becoming a boarding school increases our operating costs by about 20% as well as necessitates upgrades to our computer labs, installation of a security system, and the acquisition of school buses.
We are excited about our progress but we need your help to get us over the finish line. Please give generously to make these students’ dreams come true.
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Giving $50 Per Month

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